The Jedi are fully engaged in the war with the seperatists. There are no Jedi keeping the peace. Jabba the Hutt’s son is kidnapped by a rival gang leader. The Chancellor wants the Jedi to help and the only two Jedi available are Obi-Wan and Anakin who are fighting on Christophsis. Admiral Yullaren is told that a messenger is on their way with an important message for Kenobi. The clones take heavy losses but Anakin is able to take out the squadron of spider Droids. Ahsoka arrives, she transmits the message Kenobi and Anakin relay a message through her shuttle. Kenobi does introductions and Ahsoka says she is a new padawan learner, for Anakin. We see Asajj and Dooku speak with Sidious about kidnapping the baby Hutt. Ahsoka is a bit snippy with Anakin and she jokes that he is Skyguy. Ahsoka meets Rex who introduces her to the battlefield. They spot an energy shield that is moving toward them, protecting the clone army. General Loathsome is seen commanding the troops to take the cannons as quickly as possible. Anakin and Ahsoka take a mission behind enemy lines to disable the shield. A clone scout trooper sees bounty hunters on Teth and reports that the Hutt is there. Windu and Yoda receive the message from the trooper and set off to support Anakin.

As the shield gets closer, Obi-Wan jumps into the fray. Anakin and Ahsoka sneak behind the lines in a box. They get to the generator just as General Loathsome takes Obi-Wan prisoner. Seven cruisers arrive over Christophsis with Admiral Yullaren and Master Yoda. Ahsoka rushes in to the generator, springing some traps. She then sets the charges as Anakin takes care of the droids. Anakin and Ahsoka continue to argue. Obi-Wan takes Loathsome hostage as the shield goes down and he receives a message from Yullaren that they are through the blockade. Yoda arrives and Anakin and Ahsoka have a chat. He says she is reckless and would never make it as Obi-Wans padawan but she might make it as his. Rex tells her good job. Yoda tells them to go to Teth and rescue Jabba’s son.

At jabba’s Palace, we see the heads of Jabba’s bounty hunters return (with no bodies). He contacts the Chancellor who reassures him that the Jedi are on their way. As Anakin arrives at Teth, the scouts brief him on the situation. He finds Ahsoka telling the troops the tale of the battle of Christophsis. Obi-Wan arrives at Jabba’s Palace and Jawa’s surround his fighter. Jabba informs him that he must succeed or Dooku will. The Jedi arrive at the base of the Monestary. The clones and Jedi ascend the tower (and scout walkers can climb which is pretty cool). Ahsoka defends one walker on the climb but she almost falls. Anakin comes to her rescue and lands on the platform ahead of Ahsoka. she arrives to save him from three destroyer droids. A clone squad and the Jedi enter the Monastery. We see Asajj and Dooku setting a trap for the Jedi. They find the mini Hutt and Ahsoka thinks he is cute. Obi-Wan departs Tatooine and we see that Dooku has arrived who tells Jabba that the Jedi are the kidnappers.

Ahsoka has a plan and the troops are asked to hold the line. R2 scans the data terminal to find an alternate exit. Ahsoka and Anakin talk. he encourages her to rest and says she has nothing to prove to him. R2 finds an exit out the back and the Clones are overwhelmed, Rex was unconscious and tries to fire on Asajj but a droid walks in front of her at the wrong moment. She forces him to call Anakin. Obi-Wan and reinforcements arrive just as the Jedi are cornered. Anakin learns that the Huttlet is sick and requests a medical transport. Anakin calls Rex as he cannot reach Obi-Wan and that gives Rex an opportunity to escape. The Jedi hold the platform but must jump down to the jungle in order to escape. The Jedi jump and ride a flying creature over to the next platform. Ahsoka is stuck fighting Asajj, Anakin picks her up and R2 follows on his jets. The Jedi find a shuttle on the next platform and as they arrive, they find Battle Droids. Obi-Wan asks Commander Cody to send in the gunships to help Rex. As Rex is out numbered, Obi-Wan jumps in and saves him. Cody arrives moments later. Obi-Wan tries to find Anakin. Kenobi finds Asajj – and interrupts a discussion with Dooku. Anakin and Ahsoka get their ship running and take off.

Obi-Wan fights Ventress. She eventually disarms him but he manages to get his saber back. Anakin and Ahsoka try to board a republic cruiser in orbit but they are pursued by Vulture droids who destroy the hanger. Anakin decides to take their ship all the way to Tatooine. They enter Hyperspace with the Huttlet and Obi-Wan continues to fight Ventress and she escapes on a Vulture droid. The battle on Teth continues and Obi-Wan rejoins Rex. In hyperspace, Ahsoka finds medicine for the Huttlet and they begin repairing the ship. Ventress calls Dooku and reports that they have murdered the Huttlet. Jabba overhears and prepares to attack the Jedi when they arrive. Dooku offers to handle it personally. As they approach Tatooine, they are attacked by drone ships. Anakin does some fancy flying but the ship takes damage. They call Obi-Wan for help and he says he is still cleaning up on Teth and will get there as soon as he can. Ahsoka and Anakin crash land in the desert. Obi-Wan reports to Yoda and the Chancellor who say that all hope rests on Skywalker. Palpatine tells Padme that Anakin is at risk. She offers to go to Tatooine and negotiate with Jabba. Instead she is convinced to go to a Hutt on Coruscant. Anakin, Ahsoka, and R2 begin to cross the desert as Padme makes her way to Coruscants undercity.

Ziro the Hutt is punishing a droid assassin as Padme arrives in disguise. Ziro is surprised to see a senator in her club. Padme asks Ziro for a favor and Ziro informs her that there will be no treaty between the Hutts and the Senate. Ziro throws out Padme. Padme overhears Ziro talking with Dooku and him calling for her murder. She is discovered by a droid and thrown in jail. Anakin feels someone coming and asks Ashoka to trust him. Padme gets a holo-call and C-3P0 finds out she is trapped by Ziro. Anakin fights Dooku in the desert. Dooku slashes Anakins backpack and he thinks he has killed the Huttlet – Anakin reveals that he has sent Ahsoka ahead to Jabba’s Palace. We see Ahsoka facing down a set of Magnaguard Droids. Padme is brought before Ziro and a squad of republic commandos enters to arrest Ziro. Ahsoka defeats the guards and enters the palace with the Huttlet. Padme calls as Jabba is going to kill the Jedi, and sides with the Republic, recommending a Treaty. Dooku flees Tatooine and reports to Sidious. Obi-Won and Yoda arrive and smile fondly on Anakin and Ahsoka.

This is the true beginning of the Clone Wars series (kind of). To do things chronologically, this actually comes after a couple of out of order episodes from seasons 1-3. The out of order episodes actually form up the foundation of the battle of Christophsis and the Jedi bypassing the blockade with the help of a stealth ship to bring supplies to Bail Organa who is on the surface. The movie really sets up the initial interactions between Ahsoka and Anakin/Obi Wan. Overall, you need to watch it :-). It is the beginning of a friendship but it is also one of the first true battles of the Clone Wars.