
Throughout my career as an Education Technologist, Evernote has always been around. I was first introduced to the program in 2009, and was unimpressed. Little did I know that five years later, I would rely on Evernote for my entire digital life. This page is the culmination of my work with Evernote and the resources I have put together on this site to help others use Evernote in their everyday life.


evernoteblogEvernote Blog

I have a category on my blog that walks through Evernote Specific items. This includes travelling with Evernote and using Evernote at School and Work.

This blog is where the majority of my Evernote resources can be found (you can get to it by clicking on the icon to the left). There are several other pages that hold information and content specific to integrating Evernote as a E-Portfolio System and as a School management System. You can find those in the sections below.



Over the past school year, we have been working to integrate Evernote into our school. Our purpose was to 1)Provide an E-Portfolio System for staff and students and 2)to allow for a customized platform that can be used for a variety of purposes. At our December All-Staff professional development, we introduced Evernote to our staff. The initial professional development was done as a “this is how you use Evernote” training. The idea was to get educators using Evernote for their own personal reasons and then harness that knowledge in the classroom. This page highlights some of our examples and resources from the past 6 months of integrating Evernote.


evernotetipsEvernote Training and Tips

As a technology director, it is my Job to ensure that my staff is up to speed on using Evernote. I do that by creating and maintaining training materials and resources that my staff can access on a daily basis. Click the image to be taken to my Tips and Tricks notebook.