We’re starting to make of new apartment feel like home. Welcome to the tour!

Shortly before we arrived, we got the news that they were going to upgrade us to a 3-bedroom apartment. It’s a big space! Which means we have plenty of room for guests – feel free to check out the guest calendar tab and make a “reservation”!

For the most part, it’s not terribly unlike an American apartment. Some of the note-worthy parts:

  • We have a small entry-way with plenty of shoe storage, as we are not supposed to wear shoes inside Korean homes.
  • One of our bathrooms came with a fully equipped (at least 10 buttons!) bidet. Haven’t tried those buttons yet…
  • No central air, but we do have a large space air conditioner. Really nice for these first super hot and humid days!
  • The furniture is pretty minimal, and very crisp-looking. Solid dark brown/beige, straight lines, etc. Feels very Asian.
  • We have a washing machine but no dryer. They only air dry here, which isn’t new for us, but may be a challenge, because:
  • Is it raining in here? We have a humidity meter on the wall and instructions to keep the indoor humidity below 60%. We run the dehumidifier all day and are rarely below 70% (with 90% not unusual), so not sure how we’re supposed to meet that requirement. Wish we could!

Check out the video tour! Turn your volume up to full – sorry about how quiet it gets in the middle. I’m still learning my camera. Enjoy!

Coming up next: grocery shopping and first weekend of adventures. And soon, the first day of school. Thanks for reading, and please leave us a note!