We finished our trip with two quick days in Bangkok. We were pretty tired by this point, but still in awe of the amazing history, markets, and thriving center of population.

Thai dancers are similar to Cambodia with bent back hands and fingers, and angled legs. Beautiful and culturally interesting.

We went to the grand palace with kings, statues, gold temples, and throngs of people. They required long pants, so Patrick had to wait in line for rental-pants before entering.

The Grand Palace is known for holding the Emerald Buddha. It reminded me of the Infant Jesus of Prague – small and dressed to the 9s. No cameras inside, so squint through the dark and you might see him on the pillar. Solid jade (not emerald).

The Buddha is indoors, with a building just big enough for him, so it was hard to get a good shot. He was pretty plain, except the beautiful inlaid feet.
We were pretty tired in Bangkok. After a couple temples, we were beat and headed to the mall for some ice cream and movie. That was cool, because every movie theatre movie starts with a video montage of the King’s life and EVERYONE standing for the national anthem. Thailand hoo-rah-rah.

Last day started with a trip to Chinatown – the second oldest neighborhood in Thailand. Known for crazy shopping districts, street food, and people!

Some of the fun vendors and street food. We bought cheap knock-off electronics and silly knick-knacks.
Our last afternoon we spent in the massage parlor, then off to the airport. It was a great two and a half weeks – a flurry of activity and food and beautiful sites. I’d highly recommend a trip to both Thailand and Cambodia to anyone!
I just found out I get to go back just before spring break with our 8th graders on a Service Learning Trip. Patrick will go to northern South Korea. Should be a cool way to spend another week.
Thanks for reading, and I hope you’ll keep checking in for more updates from friend visits, a trip to Seoul, and more!