by vfitzjarrald | Mar 15, 2013 | Featured, Hopkins, Professional Development, Work
Here I am at work on a Friday…
It is something that I am not really used to doing. Having a four day instructional week is great – and I am almost always hesitant to commit to a Friday full of work!
Today we are in Professional Development about engaging students to increase achievement…
by vfitzjarrald | Jan 30, 2013 | Education, Work
If you know me, you know that I seldom look at the news in my everyday routine. I generally find that life is better with fewer headlines in it. Yesterday was an exception to that rule. When I woke up, I checked the local news station to see if their was a snow day...
by vfitzjarrald | Jan 29, 2013 | Education, Featured, ISTE, Professional Development, Work
As it turns out, I am in the process of working with and developing curriculum as part of my Johns Hopkins program. In my course, we have spent the last month critiquing the four aspects of curriculum (written, taught, assessed, and hidden) to determine if the goals...
by vfitzjarrald | Dec 7, 2012 | Consulting, Education, Featured, Professional Development, Technology
It is here, the University of Delaware Student Engagement Conference! I am very excited to be invited to present at this conference and I am even more excited to be presenting and debating with Dr. Duncan from the University of Colorado. As I progress through the day,...
by vfitzjarrald | Jul 2, 2012 | Education, ISTE, Professional Development
For the past few years, I have considered Sir Ken Robinson my professional hero. I still remember the first time I saw his TED talk (the 2005 version): It just so happened that I was in a training about classroom differentiation and the need to engage students...
by vfitzjarrald | Jun 25, 2012 | Education, ISTE, Technology
Well, it is official, I am here at ISTE 2012 in sunny San Diego. The official convene slogan is: Expanding Horizons, but that really translates into “mind blowing shit.” On my first day at the conference I was lucky enough to be invited to the annual...