What is Ed.Tech?

What is Ed.Tech?

This past week, I received a wonderful email from a friend of mine (Dr.Z). Since he is a philosophy addict, we often have vibrant discussions about the importance of technology and education. Being obviously fed up with the technology at his fingers… this is...
Tweet-le dumb!

Tweet-le dumb!

If you know me, you know that I seldom look at the news in my everyday routine. I generally find that life is better with fewer headlines in it. Yesterday was an exception to that rule. When I woke up, I checked the local news station to see if their was a snow day...
Entering the Stratosphe

Entering the Stratosphe

Well, it is official, I am here at ISTE 2012 in sunny San Diego. The official convene slogan is: Expanding Horizons, but that really translates into “mind blowing shit.” On my first day at the conference I was lucky enough to be invited to the annual...