by vfitzjarrald | Oct 10, 2014 | Game On!, On the iPad
Platform: iOS Cost: Free This week, my Game of the Week is a bit different, as it involves the idea that playing a game can help be a positive change in our world. Nobody has tried to make more ground on this front than Jane McGonigal. In this app, I feel like she...
by vfitzjarrald | Oct 3, 2014 | Game On!, On the iPad
Platform: iOS Cost: $ Pandemic (the board game by Matt Leacock) was turned into a wildly fun iOS game about a year ago. I have had it on my iPad since it came out but it has not featured here on the Game of the Week Series yet. I realized today that not having it...
by vfitzjarrald | Aug 4, 2014 | Game On!, On the iPad
This is quite an old app, or at least it is old when considering the age of most apps for iOS. A few weeks ago, my Game of the Week: Star Wars Assault Team was featured in a number of big App Websites and reviews. I downloaded it almost immediately, and started to...
by vfitzjarrald | Jul 28, 2014 | Game On!, On the iPad
Another week and another Game! This week is an exciting action packed game that came out several weeks ago. Respawnables is a First Person Shooter (FPS) with enough fun action to keep fans coming back for more. The app reminds me of Team Fortress, and is one of the...
by vfitzjarrald | Jul 28, 2014 | Warlords of Draenor
Another Day, another quest! Here it is, a beautiful Monday morning. Yesterday, I finished off a couple of Dark Portals to ensure that Durotar and Azeroth are defended. Now, I am in Draenor and fighting with my buddy Thrall to defeat the Iron Horde on...
by vfitzjarrald | Jul 27, 2014 | Game On!, Warlords of Draenor
Well, it was time to log-in to the game for a second time. I was planning on getting a second Beta toon using the 90 Templates available. Unfortunately, the Beta Server was undergoing a new build and was down. Arrgh! I only have limited time here people! A few...