by vfitzjarrald | Nov 25, 2014 | On the iPad, Productivity Apps
Platform: iOS Cost:$1.99 A great app to help you manage your routine. In my busy life, I tend to forget to take breaks and ensure that I am living a healthy work/life balance. With Daly Routine running in the Background on my iPad, I will get little reminders...
by vfitzjarrald | Nov 21, 2014 | Game On!, On the iPad
Platform: iOS Cost:$1.99 As a very well reviewed game, Goblin Sword did not disappoint. Do not get confused though, this game has no education value, and did not stay on my iPad for long. After keeping track of the game on TouchArcade, I decided to give it a shot....
by bbeckel | Nov 20, 2014 | Travel
Bali, full day #2: we started early leaving the hotel around dawn to take a rice paddy hike just outside of town, planning to end right at the hotel hosting our vacation-staple: a cooking class. We ended up missing a turn and what we expected to be a 45 minute hike...
by vfitzjarrald | Nov 19, 2014 | On the iPad, Productivity Apps
Platform: iOS Cost:$4.99 GNEO is a productivity app geared for helping you manage and sync your todo lists. In my search for productivity tools that I can use on the iPad, I always shied away from GNEO – simply because of the price. After adding it to my...
by bbeckel | Nov 18, 2014 | Travel
It’s Bali time! We have lots of beautiful photos and some fun stories to share. I’ll break it into a few posts to keep things manageable. Most Bali visitors stay about a half hour from the airport at the Kuta beaches – famous party scene, surf, white...
by bbeckel | Nov 15, 2014 | Travel
Fall break! 11 full days with no kids – it’s the longest break besides Christmas. We crammed a whole lot of relaxation into our time away: 7 days in Bali, Indonesia with a 20-hour layover in Hong Kong on the way. And we still had a couple days on Jeju at...
by bbeckel | Nov 12, 2014 | Jeju, Travel
While Patrick was in Manila getting Google-educated, I decided to spend the weekend in Seoul with my good friends Melissa and Melissa. (Yep, that gets confusing sometimes). Melissa P was taking her LSAT on Sunday, which meant we had Friday night and Saturday to relax...
by vfitzjarrald | Nov 10, 2014 | Game On!, On the iPad
Platform: iOS Cost: $3.99 Another game on the long list of iOS titles. It never ceases to amaze me how rapidly innovative games are added to the iOS app store. It is mind-blowing to think of the sheer number of people who help fuel all of our gaming habits on this...
by vfitzjarrald | Nov 10, 2014 | On the iPad, Productivity Apps
Platform: iOS Cost: $6.99 For my Productivity App of the Week, I have selected an application that I use on a daily basis. Calendars 5 by Readdle is a way for me to easily monitor and use materials and resources from calendars and task lists on a variety of...
by bbeckel | Nov 8, 2014 | Jeju, Travel
Yesterday (November 8), Patrick and I walked another Olle Trail, as we often do on weekends. This time, however, we walked with several hundred other walkers as part of the Jeju Olle Trail Walking Festival. For those who haven’t kept up with our Olle adventures,...