Fitzjarrald – Self-Assessment

This past week, I took a 21 point self-assessment to determine my strengths in areas of leadership. Within the first minute of the assessment, I could tell exactly where my strengths and weaknesses were, but it took me almost a week to digest them. The most striking...

Fitzjarrald – Transformational Leadership

I believe that transformational leadership can be used to instigate change at all levels of education administration and leadership. Transformational leadership is the ability to enhance a follower’s morale and motivation. This type of leadership can be demonstrated...
Entering the Stratosphe

Entering the Stratosphe

Well, it is official, I am here at ISTE 2012 in sunny San Diego. The official convene slogan is: Expanding Horizons, but that really translates into “mind blowing shit.” On my first day at the conference I was lucky enough to be invited to the annual...

Orientation Course…

This post is going to be a bit interesting, especially for those of you who are used to my normal posts. Instead of talking and reflecting on my everyday life, I will be reflecting on a set of questions that were posed for my Administration and Supervision Certifciate...


It is always amazing to me how quickly things change. Over the past week or so, I have been offered two different web-design jobs by people I work with. It is really flattering. The first is for a company known as They are looking for a website...

Teaching math in another language.

One of the things I tell pre-service teachers is that the students in your class must consider math as a second (or in my case third) language. Cognitively we develop our talents in math the same way we develop those for language acquisition. This concept is easy to...

Quote of the Day

Well, my iGoogle served to brighten me up in my “writers block.” The Quote of the day is: Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better...