App and Game Reviews
When I started writing app and game reviews, I had no idea what I was doing. So much seemed like magic, but I buckled down and found a way to do reviews with screenshots and a large amount of text. After trying hard to make that work, I was bogged down in the review cycle – apps were coming into and out of my life before I could give them a proper review. On my iPad, I had a folder containing almost 100 Applications that were waiting for reviews before I deleted them. Something had to give… After some hard coding and wading through the App Store API, I found a way to introduce a standardized rating system for my reviews and direct app store links. Instead of uploading a huge amount of screenshots I shoot a screen-recording of the App put it up as a embedded video. Now every review I put out is for games that are current, includes a video of gameplay, has screenshots, includes up-to-date pricing, and an overall rating. That is progress! My reviews are focused on five specific areas – although most applications will only get a review in three of those categories. I specifically look at the interface/usability of the app, how engaging that app is, and my final rating is a meta-score regarding the apps productivity value, overall gaming value, and/or educational value. All of the apps that I review will fit into one of those three major categories. You can see my full rubric by clicking on this link.Game of the Week: Mines of Mars
Platform: iOS Price: $4.99 Welcome to Mars! Building (haha) upon the successes of Terraria and Minecraft in the block style mine-em and build-em...
Game of the Week: Play to Cure
Platform: iOS Cost: Free This week, my Game of the Week is a bit different, as it involves the idea that playing a game can help be a positive...
App Essentials: Posts (Blogging)
Platform: iOS Cost: Free In my work, it is essential that I keep up a running blog of what I am doing. Since I also happen to live...
Game of the Week: Appointment with F.E.A.R.
Platform: iOS Cost: $2.99 Initially, I have been a bit skeptical when it has come down to the Interactive book format on the iTunes store. Steve...
App Essentials: Tempo (Calendar)
Platform: iOS Cost: Free In my productivity series, I am pushing my own boundaries - which is definitely the purpose of testing apps. When I...
Game of the Week: Assault Team
This is quite an old app, or at least it is old when considering the age of most apps for iOS. A few weeks ago, my Game of the Week: Star Wars...
App Essentials: Pythonista
Platform: iOS Cost: $6.99 (a bit steep) Pythonista is a must have app for any educator who teaches computer programming with Python. Few apps...
Game of the Week: Pandemic
Platform: iOS Cost: $ Pandemic (the board game by Matt Leacock) was turned into a wildly fun iOS game about a year ago. I have had it on my iPad...
Game of the Week: Respawnables
Another week and another Game! This week is an exciting action packed game that came out several weeks ago. Respawnables is a First Person Shooter...