App Essentials: Daily Routine (Schedule)

icon175x175Platform: iOS      Cost:$1.99

A great app to help you manage your routine. In my busy life, I tend to forget to take breaks and ensure that I am living a healthy work/life balance. With Daly Routine running in the Background on my iPad, I will get little reminders about what I am supposed to be working on as the day progresses. With Calendar integration, I never miss a meeting or activity that I have scheduled. This is a great app to help you manage your busy calendar and build in times for yourself.

The Video Review


Daily Routine is a good buy if you need some help juggling your daily life. If you are like me and find it hard to remember to take breaks, Daily Routine will send you notifications when you need to do specific items (aka. go for a walk, drink water, etc.). I use Daily Routine as a setup and forget program. Creating the routines is cumbersome but once they are set, you can let the app run in the background with only occasional tweaking to make the routines more accurate.