App Essentials: Toodledo (ToDo)

icon175x175 (2)Platform: iOS     Cost:$2.99

Another great todo app. I found that for 2.99 it was a good application to extend the standard Reminders App. If you are like me and tend to try to have syncing to desktop services, and a slew of easy to access resources, this app does not weigh in very well. After a few days of using the app, I was bogged down in adding tasks, which defeats the purpose of an inbox task app. For my system, I greatly prefer additional apps and services, but this is a capable app and may work for you and your system.

The Video Review


Well, this is a good task app (one of many). What it comes down to for me is having an application that is easy to use for both entering and marking tasks. Toodledo has almost too much functionality. I get bogged down in selecting the items that I want to make sure that my Task is entered correctly. In some cases, I spent more time entering the task than completing the task itself. This is a good app if you want something that will sync with your native Todo list and give you some more bells and whistles.